Plaintiff alleged that our client, a nursing home, and a co-defendant physician, negligently failed to diagnose and properly treat peripheral vascular disease and deep vein thrombosis in an 87-year-old, long-term nursing home resident, causing pain, suffering, and, ultimately, her death. The claims included negligent nursing care and violation of the provisions of the Public Health Law concerning the rights of nursing home residents and long-term care patients, allegedly resulting in the development of pressure injuries of the heels, sacrum, buttocks and hips. The resident’s pertinent medical history was positive for dementia, atherosclerotic heart disease, congestive heart failure, left carotid occlusion, right carotid blockage, cardiovascular accident (stroke) with left hemiparesis and old cerebral infarct, severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, right total knee replacement, herpes zoster (shingles), depression, and acid reflux. We moved for summary judgment, supported by affidavits of experts in long-term nursing care and vascular surgery. We contended that, while the decedent was a resident at the nursing home, she received timely consultations in geriatric medicine, vascular surgery, cardiology, podiatry and other appropriate medical specialties, that her skin care for injury prevention and her ultimate pressure injury care had been aggressive and appropriate, and that a timely below-the-knee amputation had been recommended (to avoid the development of infection and gangrene secondary to a lower leg occlusion), but the amputation and all other aggressive treatment had been refused by the family. The plaintiff’s very well-known medical malpractice attorneys contacted us to advise that they would not be submitting opposition papers to our motion, and instead would file a voluntary stipulation of discontinuance, which indeed ended the case.